So I was toying around with the idea of the evolved dinosauroid first invisioned by Dale Russell. The dinosauroid was based on the idea that dinosaurs did not go extinct and what would one species possible evolve into? In the original case it was a troodon. But I decided to leave the mammals alone and have the dinosaurs coexist with them. So if the dinosauroid did evolve what interesting and new thing could I do? Well I decided on a sort of human mimic like the movie Mimic. Something that looks similar to a human from a distance but once you're in close...
So I took a basic deinonychus, I changed feathers to hair and kept the neat tail. It looks more human than the original dinosauroid and is a little more current since he has feathers. This was for an idea I had with some neato Neanderthals, and both the dinosauroid and the Neanderthals were shape-changers! Spooky yes? It's kind of like the origin of the lycanthropy mythos I so love. Of course I wrote nothing down and have forgot most of it so it's just a sketch now. I do that a lot:) I do have some more stuff that I drew, maybe I'll get to scanning it and posting it.
Jess is making dog food so I can't work (the dogs get spazzy and smash into everything, but it's usually my drawing table; which, while I draw on it, is just a table.) I'm planning on watching stuff on the Science Channel tonight. Psych was renewed for a second season, as was Eureka. Scifi Channel's been playing Special Unit 2 on Fridays which I find quite funny. I don't watch Heros, just don't like the superhero stories that much anymore. I might be going to a few cons this year. If things get finalized I'll post info. I hate to fly, I get intense pain in my inner ears (and no chewing gum does not help) so any plane ride is a bit like mild torture.
I want to see what you're going to do for this bad boy's feet.
I haven't decided on them yet, I might do them more humany with 4 toes, one being the 'killer' claw.
Did you ever see that Episode of Star Trek Voyager where they discover a race(or should I say the race discovers them) of dinosaurs that originated on Earth millions of years ago and evolved to a humanoid point with superior technology. Too bad their design wasn't as sweet .
Yeah I saw that. I have no idea why they chose a hadrosaur for that. If anything would have survived it would have to be somewhat intelligent. But I guess the liked the idea of the crest.
Have you tried large amounts of alcohol on the plane? It helps with inner ear pressure and various other ailments
I can't drink alcohol anymore. I process it in like an hour then get a very bad hangover. So I might wind up with ear pain, vomiting and a massive headache before I land then I have a Marvel panel to do. I thought maybe some sleeping pills but I have that panel so that's out. AH well.
Guess who, Brett!
Your art is great as ever. Just roaming 'round the interweb, looking for my fix of dino art. I've come full circle (again) and have taken a renewed interest in your palaeoart (and Michael Golden's JP dinos). Fire me off an email sometime and let me know how you've been.
hi brett!
coming from mike ringo's blog
see you have a blog now
will be coming back for more
Sorry about the no posts, Had a problem with the satalite. Mostly fixed now. So I'll have more tomorrow:)
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