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I am always happy to answer any questions I can:)
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Great work, loving the torches FX as well.
Pumyra, schweet! Can't wait to see her and the others (deadpool included).
Wow, it blows me away !
Can´t wait to see the other commissions....
It´s better than the cover on Vision 17 Magazine years ago.
Brett, have you ever penciled a commission or sketch of Captain America?
He´s my favorite Hero, but i can´t find an image of him, with your art.
May you show us one of him??
Would be great!!! ;O)
Thanks Cryostar77:)
Glad you like, I would hope this looks better as I've had more than 10 years to improve;)Now when things start looking worse, then I have a problem;)
I believe that's the cover Tim Townsend inked, right? That was one of the better FF pieces I did:)
As for Cap. I've only ever drawn him in issue 12 of Heroes Reborn FF. I don't have him on my commission list so that will most likely be the only time I'll have drawn him. Just not a Cap fan myself. Sorry.
Yes it was the cover 10 years ago, that was your second best FF art, but wait, the cover for FF Heroes Reborn 7 was also great with Wolverine, and coloured by Jess.
No Problem for the Cap art, maybe sometime.
You draw years ago cards for the Marvel Onslaught Ultra - The Characters ( Invisible Girl, The Thing, Black Bolt..) they were so Powerful.
I can´t understand the people on Marvel / DC , that they let slip away such an good artist as you are.
Look at the other pencilers on these two Companies, no one had such good detailed and powerful skills like you.
Your characters are so powerful, they are like drug, i can´t get my eyes away of them.
I think the bad thing on your older comics was, that you had no good colourists, so your art could not be the way, you liked to see it.
Life goes on, and i think for your next project will make really good noise outside to the comic factory, so now that you have ( Andrew) on your side, you two will make a good team.
Baron :O)
Why aren't you moving to New Mexico? I thought it was a done deal.
Nice FF. Your Ben Grimm is looking pretty good.
Amazing as usuall. sorry to hear about new mexico :(
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