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I am always happy to answer any questions I can:)
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I love when you randomly put up pics of anthros I've been wondering about. I was specifically thinking about what you'd do with an orca, and now here we are. With the sea animals, how do you decide whether to go mermaid-ish like this one, or two-legged, like the hammerhead? Or is it just whatever "feels" right?
Always loved these animal pictures of yours Brett. Alway wondered why you did them. Are they are they part of the Kindred? For a book you were planning? Or just for the hell of it?
Never heard of a White Killer Whale. Is it just albino killer whale or a different species?
Chris I do them for myself because I like them:)They will be used for an art book I'm working on:)
It's not a real or true albino but it's white on off white.
Muffinhunter, it depends on the kind of anthro I guess this one is more like a faun so it's more human uptop with animal legs. The regular animal head ones would have legs...but it's really just what feels right;)
Ah so that is the anthro book you were talking about. I will certainly be buying that book.
I once developed an entire novel and video game around your animal people, but we went in another direction.
Neat. I actually have 2 different stories for the them. One for the more primative looking ones called Eden and the other for the more techy ones called L.I.F.E., although I don't like that name very much.
I have had people ask me if they can use them to create a roll playing game but I declined.
SWEET! That's super cool. I love orcas, they're beautiful. I'd love to see the whole animal.
Is there a difference, story-wise (as far as whatever stories you have in your head for these guys), between the more animalistic and more human-looking anthros?
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