So Frank asks 'What's my dream project?'
That's actually pretty simple, anything I own! LOL! I Don't really have a dream project outside of that. I'd really like to do a dinosaur book like Dinotopia, but without the humans. I'd like to finally get to do Primal Instinct, or Lifeless, or another project called Soul Searching or do that blasted Eden story. I've done a few 'dream projects' before but they never seem to turn out the way you want them, too many hands in the pot.
Maybe after I get my next project done I'll be able to take some time and do one of these but I'm not holding my breath! Oh wait, I'm sort of doing one now, the Dinosaur book!
In other news, I happened across this show last week called Middle Man on ABC Family. It was quit quirky and fun, so I watched it again last night. Too funny. I'm hooked. It's on Mondays at 8pm. If you like strange, funny and interesting dialog this one's for you.
Reminder: Eureka, Jurassic Fight Club and Evolve are on tonight!
Image of the Zombie Lord I did for that sketchbook we never got around to. I managed to scan some more images besides Frankenstein stuff but I'm in the pig push to get #5 done (the Trade Paper Back needs to be sent to China on the 31st of this month to make it out by the ship date so we're all stressing:))
i remember seeing a comic project by you solicited that never came out. i remember there was a winged man wearing a suit. was this one of the projects you mentioned? i've never heard of some of those projects. can you elaborate?
Ah, that would be Limbo City. That was a cluster F#@%. It was supposed to be created by Me, the writer and Dreamwave but all I did was do some designs. While the story was interesting it was not fun to draw and basically I lost TOTAL interest in doing it. I don't like mobsters in suits and the 1930's. It was doomed from the get go.
The other stuff is just stuff Jess and I have created that has never gone anywhere. The designs were on the old website before it got poached. One's a werewolf like story only the werewolves are cool;)
Th other is a comedy with fallen angles and valkyrie.
The last one Lifeless, is about zombies and voodou. It's not that funny:(
Thank you so much for your time and answers. i'd buy all three of those books but i am biased :)
You know Middle Man is based on a comic...
I did not know that. Cool.
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