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The first thing I saw was a moth - lol, kidding.
I saw the Hendrix as well. :) I suppose I can also see the Joker in there as well.
i saw moth too! lol.
i hate to say this but it looks like a guy with horns. what does that say about me. ha ha
does anyone else see a pirate putting on a purple hat? lol or is it just me?
I see Chuck Norris!!
nah.. besides the hendrix i can only see a moth.. T-T ( but i wouldn't have seen it if u didn't tell me first)
osama bin laden... or some generic taliban?... definately not holy.
what species is it anyway? looks like a death-skull hawk moth?
Knowing your love of showcasing only kooky Christians I figured it had to be Jesus. So I did a google search and sure enough there is a Jesus Moth story. You'd think we never did anything sane or normal from the stories which get picked up by the media. So much for balance.
You could have just checked the Pharangula link;)And yes the original picture taker saw Jesus. But it's an interesting thing that we actually have no real images of Jesus (if he existed) but everytime some Christian sees an image of a guy with a beard, it's JESUS! It could just as easily be Bob down the street. Do they have Jesus on the brain? You don't see anyone else (except maybe the Hindu's) seeing their religious icons, on grilled cheese, or in a potato, taking a pictures and then contacting the media. I'm sure this guy didn't want to do any press;)
I was just going to say the original picture taker saw Jesus, but it's just as interesting to see what others see BEFORE they are told that. Some people saw a demon, and these are Atheists, the human mind is trained to recognize faces, so they will see them were they don't exist.
On a side note this is apparently a poor example of this species as others have much better 'faces' on them. It's just a pattern:)
And yes I saw a Moth too, smart asses;)
Well, I did kind of see that guy from the Wendy's commercial, you know the one with the beard but he has Wendy's pigtails.
Well, I did kind of see that guy from the Wendy's commercial, you know the one with the beard but he has Wendy's pigtails.
I see White Jesus and or Alan Moore.
I don't see a lot of Wendy's commercials, all I can remember is the old ones. But I'm glad you played along:)
Alan Moore! Derek brings in the funny! I can see it now when I look at it. I might have to find more of these things:)
I don't know about Anton LaVey but I
do see Grigori Rasputin the mad Monk.
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