HOW... How do you know your religion is true while all others are false? Outside of there holy books/ texts, there is nothing else that proves any religion to be true over any other. So I ask, why is the religion you choose to follow 'true' and all the others are false? I've been told at times that I wasn't a real Christian, that I didn't give it a chance. Well have you given the other religions a fair shake? Of course not, you most likely follow a religion that your parents did. Or are one of those rare people who switch to something completely different, so how and why did they decide to do that? How did they know that their old religion was false and that their new one was 'true'?
I've asked this question before but I've never gotten a satisfying answer. Now I'm going to turn something around on Steve. He's said that God (I'm assuming Jesus?) spoke to him. So what if that same story happened to say a Hindu? Said Hindu was sitting at a bar and he overheard a couple talking about religion. He then claims Vishnu spoke to him to talk to that couple. As someone who is not Hindu, what would you think? You know their religion isn't true, but how do you know this? Why is your religion real and theirs superstition? You have the same evidence, texts and stories. HOW?!?!?
Ever watch the show Ancient Aliens? These people believe, just as strongly as any religious person, that aliens came to earth, bred with humans, gave the Nazis technology, have caused humans to evolve ect.... They use religious texts, pictograms and the Nazca Lines to 'prove' this. They make grandios claims that can't be backed up with any evidence. They have simply replaced a god figure with aliens, it's the same as any religion.
The point of all this is to see if people can actually really examine their religion with reason. Everyone is an atheist when it comes to religions that aren't theirs, so why is yours so special? Remember that the majority of the people on the planet don't agree with you. Sure there are 2 billion Christians, but that leaves 5 billion who think that that religion is false (and to some, those 1 billion Catholics aren't really Christians so you do the math;P.)
I'm not 100% sure there is no creator, I'm like 99.99999%. But I see no evidence for any supernatural phenomenon, Godlike or Ancient Alien, so that give me enough to be pretty darn sure there is nothing supernatural. Now I will say aliens is slightly more believable to me, but thats only because they wouldn't be supernatural. BUT, as I said before the Ancient Alien people have no evidence to support anything they say. They are as bad as creationists as they call it a 'theory' when they don't actually know what theory means.
So why bring them into this? Well watch the show, keep in mind that ALL the science the 'Theorists' use is pretty much completely wrong. Now, do you buy what they are telling you? Of course not, it's fricken crazy. You can see they have no concept of how to apply reason to something that they WANT TO BELIEVE IN. Now, can you look at your own religion like you just did those Ancient Alien Theorists? Can you step outside of what you want to believe to see what it actually there... old books disproven long ago. Old myths and legends that might have been useful in the past but have since lost any real meaning. A shackle teaching you how to NOT think about things, that teaches you NOT to question, NOT to learn. If you can do that... Welcome to your freedom.
And don't get me started on Ghost Hunters, or Finding Bigfoot....
Got a little preachy there... I can feel the rush... no Holy Spirit needed:)
Oh, and Happy New Year!