For the new book, sort of a companion piece to another picture, I don't want to post them all, what's the point of a book then?
They recently discovered a new theropod called Orkoraptor (named for a river NOT the He-Man character;)) I can't find ANY art or skeletal info so I'm going nuts looking for this stuff. It's a giant (6-7 meter) Compsaugnathus from Southern S. America.
Also the writer strike might be at an end (YEAH!) Hopefully Chuck will be on again soon:)
I'm surprised you didn't add the third finger in. http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2007/10/17/tyrannosaurus-dinosaur.html
Damn it Blogger ate my response.
Ok Lets try this again.
There is no actual 3rd finger, it's the bone in the palm of the hand. It attaches to the 2nd palm bone for tendon attachment and reinforcement. It's whats left of the 3rd finger. Remember dinosaurs started out with 5 fingers:)
beautifull dine. it's amazing to see what you can come up with just by using a skeletal structure.
sorry i ment to say beautifull Dino
Looks great as always. I'd prefer a bit more color. He looks like a chocolate dinosaur and is making me hungry for Easter candy. But not peeps. Dinosaur peeps would be silly
But Steve peeps ARE dinosaurs;)
You think this reminds you of easter, wait until you see the latest Carcharadontosaurus I colored. His nickname is Prince;)
But Steve peeps ARE dinosaurs;)
okay, that got a good laugh out of me.
I try:)
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