So after everyone was asnooze this morning I let him out to roam around for a bit. About 10 minutes later I head the screams..... He broke his leg..... the left one. So now he's got 2 splints on both his front legs. I have to take him to our regular vet tomorrow. UGH! We were so close to having him finally healed... On top of that the Tahoe has a leak in the break line. One that I had fixed twice in the last week and a third time 2 months ago. So after I take the Bean into the shop, the Tahoe goes in. It's just one little part, but I can't get it at AutoZone and the dealer has to order it.... Fuck.
I watched the Golden compass last night. Horrible. Almost as bad as The Seeker.... It's to bad, I liked the book.
Happy Mother's day Jess and all you Mom's, kids (dogs included) suck.
Brett, sorry to hear about your dog, do you know how he broke it? Grey Hounds right? REALLY REALLY sorry to hear that, hope the rest of your weekend went better.
Hope Bean feels better soon. A nice chew toy should keep him happy for a while :)
Thanks Nestor,
Salukis, Afghans,Tazis and the middle eastern asain sighthounds, are actually not related to the Greyhound sighthounds. The greyhounds were only recently created while the others are som eof the first dog breeds along with the Husky types.
No idea how he did it. It's always when I'm not looking. No one was playing or anything, I think he stuck it somewhere and it got stuck.
He's doing pretty good, slept well and was pretty quiet. He usually wines and cries the first few nights.
I had an Alaskan malamute while in College and she was always getting her nose stuck in something...glad he's doing well. By the way just wanted to throw in that I was re reading Backlash. Must say he was my fav character back in the days and still is. Ok fanboy moment is over. Back to breaking uhh i mean fixing computers.
Sorry to hear about your dog brett and jess. it really sucks when your so close to being healed and then bamm. back into the vet. The dog is incredibly cute in the picture! you guys should put more up! Hey brett buck up on the brake line it sucks but al least you don't have to have the entire intake manifold put on like on my car. just remember it can always be worse. were here for you guys.
Hey Brett, sorry about your dog.
I didn't know where else to comment on this blog so I clicked on the most recent one. I just bought Vol. 2 Magician Apprentice and I was so cut that you didn't draw! Your way better than Stegman. The portrait of Pug at the beginning of Chapter 2 was perfection. Please please please find it in your heart to come back to Magician for the Master half!
I'm glad you liked Backlash Nestor. He was always fun to draw:)
Frank, yeah the Bean is a sweet dog. I can't work the damn camera so Jess does all the picture taking, you'll have to ask her to take more pictures:) I got the brake line 'fixed' yesterday. On the way home it started leaking again. It's always the same place, right were the line attaches to the master cylinder. I think the cylinder (which I had replaced along with the brake booster) might be bad, but the front brakes work fine.....grrrrr. That was a waste of 3 hours!
Hi Anon, please sign your comments so I know who I'm talking too:) As for Magician..... sorry, I will not be doing anything more on it. I'm not a fan of the series, I just worked on it because that's what we had at the time.
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