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Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Free Comic Book Day
A cover I was asked to do for Free Comic Book Day. Harry Dresden, some guy from the Warriors, and a super heroine. All three are in the DB free comic book.
It's not really Mucha like, I saw a cover to one of the Dresden books, where he was doing a powery thing with rune symbels. That sparked the idea. I've done similar power things in Wildcore so it wasn't anything special. I was happy with Harry:)
But thanks for the compliment! I do like Mucha myself:)
fcbd is may 2nd 2009. for those who want to know. And another home run for you brett. Harry came out amazing and i love the rune symbol circle thingamajig. keep up the great work.
ps. i would buy a whopper from you at burger king :)
I think you hear too much how great your work is Brett, so I'll say that this picture sucks - get a new job you bum ;p
Seriously, really neat - the chick is hot ^^
Hi Christopher,
I totally suck, it looks like it's off to Burger King for me;)
I'm glad you like it, I haven't draw a 'hot superhero chick' in quite some time:)
Looks great as always. I love the Mucha-like circle design thing. Will Jess be coloring it?
Hi Steve,
It's not really Mucha like, I saw a cover to one of the Dresden books, where he was doing a powery thing with rune symbels. That sparked the idea. I've done similar power things in Wildcore so it wasn't anything special. I was happy with Harry:)
But thanks for the compliment! I do like Mucha myself:)
fcbd is may 2nd 2009. for those who want to know. And another home run for you brett. Harry came out amazing and i love the rune symbol circle thingamajig. keep up the great work.
ps. i would buy a whopper from you at burger king :)
Thanks Frank!
I'm more of a tender Crisp Chicken guy myself;)
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