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Hi Mark,
Dinosaurs like this one, were more like crocs when born. Pretty darn small. I think they have eggs from a Tarbosaurus (Asian version of T.rex only slightly smaller) and the eggs are aronnd 18 inches long. So the baby's would be 2-3 feet long:)
Great drawing! I love the little baby spino! The huge eye makes it look very anime. :-P
Hi Erin,
I thought I had a baby Allosaurus too, but I can't find it. Perhaps I'm loosing my fricken mind;)
Mark, to answer you're question since I also can't read well today. It's possible they got up to 50 plus feet. But they were a more gracile animal so they wouldn't have been at heavy as a Rex.
And also you are most welcome. I watched something with the most horrible CG this weekend and all I could hope for was one day you will be able to do the CG for the horrible Scifi Saturday movie son Scifi;)
Thanks for that Brett, I'm still pretty new at doing 3d, but hopefully improving with each new model I make. :)
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