This was a sketch done for the DabelBrothers. I don't remember what the project was called or it it ever made it to production. Just some neat thing.
I've been asked to do a sketchbook this week. Not drawing it mind you but allowing my art dealer, Derek, to do one. I don't know if I'll have enough actual art for that. I don't think the comic buying public will want a sketch book of anthros and dinosaurs..... I do have some older stuff but is it too old.... I don't know.
You have certainly got a way with creature designs, sir. Very cool.
Monsters are always fun to draw!
hey i'll buy a book of sketches of yours. even if they are older ones. i love your monsters maybe one day i'll actually get to see you draw the creature from the black lagoon(hint hint) : ). i say do the sketch book thing artists are making great money on these things. just mix in some old stuff with some new stuff and even some dino stuff. i think it will sell. like i said i'd buy it!
"Monsters are always fun to draw.."
"Mix in some old stuff with some new stuff and even some dino stuff. I think it will sell..."
Actually, it WOULD sell.
PS- That one monster looks cool.
A book of your anthro stuff would go over pretty well.
Hi Joel,
I'm working on one. So far 60 plus images! But I want to do it as an art book with colored pictures:)
Anthro! Anthro!
I haven't actually drawn an anthro in awhile. I have to be in the right mood for it.
Have you been to my Deviant Art page? lots of anthros there:)
thanks for the heads up-I'll check out DA now!
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