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I am always happy to answer any questions I can:)
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Wow, that is just phenomenal, unbelievably cool. Well done.
Hey Damon, I got the left half of the cowboy commission done, I'll be scanning that tomorrow. I'm hoping to have the rest done in the next 2 weeks.
Hi Brett, thanks for the heads-up.
I'll be highly anticipating seeing that on tomorrow. I know it'll ultimately be the coolest western commission I've ever seen.
Booth drawing the Rawhide Kid and Bat Lash, among others. How cool is that?
Brett when does Franky come out? Hows life in general treating ya? Dumb fanboy question but do you do commissions? Just wondering is all.
Nestor, Franky comes out next month around the 14th
Sorry, I no longer do commissions. I'm still trying to finish off the last few I have.
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