Brett will be doing a new four issue mini-series with author L. A. Banks, featuring her Vampire Huntress, Damali. This is a new, original story you can only get in the mini-series. Art by Brett and Andrew Dalhouse. The first issue will ship sometime this summer.
Brett & Jess, i love you two !!!!
Your coloured Damali looks so beautiful.
I Hope we see more of your coloured skills ;)
Jess your are one of the best in this business !!! keep going on.
Brett great art thank you.
Glad you like it Baron:)
Brett & Jess, you two are the best in what you do ;)
Just a little critic for Andrew:
The first Promo:
the woman in the background with the long hair is too dark, in b+w she´s so sexy but in this coloured version we can´t see the details of her body, her beautiful face, eyes etc.
The coloures didn´t work well with her body.
Are the colors of the first on the finshed version or will Andrew change or refresh it a little bit?
Hi Baron,
The dark woman is a naga, she's part snake. I like the dark colors, makes it more mysterious;) By making her dark the foregroud characters pop more, he's a nobody so she doesn't really matter:)
This if the final approved picture. I will be more clear if they use this for a cover or whatnot as this in only a low rez file:)
Dearlord, I'm loving it. thx for the post up
The New Project seem really cool, i love it.
Is the cover of Jess a variant 50/50 cover or a special one to order?
Please let them make it a regular cover, i will by 5 of each issue.
Will Jess colour all 4 covers of this mini? I hope so. ;)
Guys this looks awesome and I look forward to picking this up, just got the Franky book in hardcover and its def worth looking over and over again. Goes right into the Brett box *yea you get your own collection box*.
When you guys get the full release details please let us know. Hope the weekend is enjoyable for you guys but not too much trouble.
I'm not sure if these will be the actual covers as opposed to just promotional stuff. But we are doing multiple covers that will be done by both Jess and Andrew. I'm not sure what the ratio will be since it's really early;)
Hi Nestor,
When I get more stuff I'll of course let you know:)
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