Anyways, lots of buzz for this new Watchmen movie... I don't understand it myself, unlike the rest of the comic world I didn't like the comic. I basically just looked at the pictures for the last issue, it just wasn't/isn't what I like to read. I keep hearing how good it's going to be... ah, it hasn't come out yet. It might be bad like Transformers or Sin City (I didn't like the comic either. In fact I MUCH prefer his old DareDevil stuff to anything recent. I have nothing against these guys personally I just didn't like these projects. It happens. I preferred the first issue of CyberForce to Wildcats.) I'm all for comic books being made into movies, in fact I hope they all do well. Who knows they might eventually make a Backlash movie;)
Beautiful drawing Brett. :). A Backlash movie would be very cool. I'm sure there would be people who would be like "who is that?" but as soon as they'd see the movie I'm pretty positive they'd fall in love with the character. Personally I'm looking forward to Watchmen, I think the only movie I have serious doubts about is the GI Joe movie. If I go see it, it will be to see Snake Eyes on the big screen.
I totally agree with the Joe movie. I'm only really looking forward to a few movies this year. Most of them computer animated and Harry Potter;)
I doubt a BL movie will ever be made but it's always fun to speculate:)
But keep in mind I don't like BladeRunner so what do I know about movies;)
I am shocked to read you dont like Blade Runner but like Sam Adams its an aquired taste. I am looking forward to Transformers and GI Joe has me wondering could this be the beginning of the end for Comic/Cartoon Related movies...I am getting flashbacks of when I paid $4.99 for Dr. Strange 75 for the foil cover...I DONT EVEN LIKE DR. STRANGE!!! lol...
Lilith looks awesome, keep them coming.
PS Backlash was my reason for buying Kindred, and I still have all the Solo Title Issues, any that I missed I bought on E-bay. He was a good kick @$$ character, a younger but not really younger Nick Fury.
Wow, someone that doesn't think Watchmen comic is the shit besides me. I've only just recently read it. I don't like anything Alan Moore has done, but there so much hype around the movie, I figured I would download them and give them a read. Then, I was like what's the big deal about these book. The art wasn't very good. The read takes forever as there isn't much of a real plot, and most the characters just seemed like nock-offs of other, better characters.
The book isn't horrible, just not this big exciting revolution that I hear people say about it. The movie though, I do want to see mostly because I trust Zack Synder will do a great job, and that he doesn't really care what Moore thinks about what he is doing.
And, I vote for a Wildcore movie. Got to see Taboo in the flesh...oh my ^^
Good to know I'm not the only one.:)
Interesting trivia on Taboo, she was designed by Jim (the design from Backlash 1, I modified it for issue 2.)and was for a pitch for a Demi Moore superhero movie that never made it anywhere. I liked the design so I asked if we could use it for BL. Her history and everything are different than what Jim originally created, but he did the first design of her:)
awesome quick info, dumb fan question, did you want him to have a daughter or was that written in?
I never read the Watchmen comic like any other Moore books except The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and I just could not get into it.
I will be one of the mindless droves that will see it...
HEY...quick question to anyone who wants to answer, who would win in a fight, Backlassh and Taboo VS Hawkeye and Mockingbird, since they are now being flagged as the Mr and Mrs. Smith of the comic book world...mind you I have my preferences...
hope all is well Brett and that Jess is doing well also.
Hi Nestor,
I can't really remember why we created Jodi. I think just to tie into Gen13 a bit for easy crossovers.
I actually kin of liked the LoEG movie. It was fun:)
I'll wait for the DVD, Jess might want to see it. The FX look good:)
Backlash and Taboo would win, the other 2 have no powers;)
If I catch it before you guys I will let you know how it went without spoiling it.
Also loved Madegascar 2, damn Penguins had me rolling. Funny thing is that I live in the suburbs that the old lady mentioned...YONKERS!!! WOOHOO!!!
Hi Nestor,
Jess and I watched a special on G4 about it last night. I think I figured out why I don't like it. I don't like the characters designs. They are a little to Dam West Batman for me (the originals from the GN.) Unfortunately they used them as the base for the movie costumes so it sort of bothers me.
Yeah I don't get why Nite Owl looks like Batman...the Watchmen book version doesn't look like him really at all...just follows some of the set up.
I couldn't get into Madegascar 2 myself, but yeah, those damn Penguins should get their own flick...so funny.
I love the depth of Watchmen. I find something new and interesting every time I read it. The shear amount of design time which had to go into each page is staggering. I'm not so keen on the moral ambiguity of the message of the story, but that is Moore for you. Still even if you don't like the book you got to believe this is a major step forward for the comic community in gereral. Hopefully it will pave the way for more comic adaptations.
Hi Steve,
I will freely admit that at the time Watchmen and FM's Dark Knight were really groundbreaking from the norm. I get it, but now all comics follow that path. It sort of makes them less special for me.
I think the last Batman and Marvels Iron Man assured us more comic movies:) Most people never hear of the Watchmen so it might not be as big as people are expecting. It will be interesting to see what the box office figures say come the Monday after it opens. I'm guess 40 million. It had a built in audience but not a huge one.
Oh, some guy on DA wanted to know if you were up to design a mascot for a wrestling team. You interested?
Just smile and wave boys...just smile and wave...
I will hold off on reading the book just like I did for V. Enjoyed the movie too much that I didnt want to read the book and compare everything to it like I did with TLoEG.
- Nestor
Sure, I'll design a mascot for a wrestling team. Send them my way.
I think Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen showed how comics could be done better, but I don't think there are too many writers talented enough to pick up and run with the batton. Instead we end up with a bunch of hollow grim and gritty tales and we are supposed to accept this as depth of writing.
The coolest thing about my recent New York trip was seeing all the posters for Watchmen. It was sort of surreal, art imitating life and all that.
Hi Steve,
I'll send them your email:)
I'm not sure if Jess wants to see Watchmen so I might eventually wind up seeing it when I comes out on video:)
Hi Brett,
Lilith looks really beautiful, elegant, love her.
Can´t wait to see more of your character designs for this and for other Dabel Brothers Projects.
I must say your skills today are the best, your art changed so much in the last Years, the eyes, the noses, the bodies, now it is incredible. ;)
Hi Baron,
Thanks! I have a few more designs to put up, this one was a favorite of mine because I've always liked the Lilith/Lilitu myth:)
I have to say I haven't seen a big change in the art, but maybe I'm missing it since I don't look back at the old stuff very much:)
I see the difference too in your new stuff over your older, image days. In fact, if I kidnap you could you design characters for my book ^^
It is such a pain in the ass to find people to do it...
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