Just done real quick, after yet another case of ripped artwork (In this case a dinosaur) I will not be posting stuff to Deviant Art anymore. I reported the theft to DA who basically said I was wrong, you be the judge, mine would be the one on the left.
They modified a leg and an ankle. I asked them to credit me and nothing so I reported it... I not going to use a site were the moderators are fricken blind when it comes to this crap. So now I will only post new art here. I'll delete my DA account in a few weeks, enough time for all the people who follow me to know the dealio.Best,Brett
They practically traced it. O_o
Aww no! I adored your dinosaurs, so did my 3 year-old nephew. Where is your stuff now so I can follow you?
Cheers, Renilicious
Unbelievable. You probably just got the wrong person at DA. Sometimes I think they have unpaid interns at the wheel.
I know, I thought it was pretty damn obvious, especially since the anatomy is all me.
All the dinosaurs will be here:) I might do a dino website for easier use.
After this, I completely agree.
As always my wife loves your dino work so please let us know if you create a dino page.
Are you kidding me? Even the skin folds are the same. Disgusting. This isn't the first time your art has been stolen either has it Brett?
People like that really piss me off. How can they not see the resemblance. People will probably always try and steal your artwork, your just too good :)
It's been stolen before, usually they take it down but this time that didn't happen.
At least they didn't make money off of it.
I don't mind copying to learn, all I ever ask is a credit. I asked this guy, he ignored me and so I reported him. I'm really soft on this sort of thing, I always give them a chance to credit (If I ever use others stuff, it's not something I like to do but sometimes the companies ask, I credit it. Sometimes even if it's just inspired by something else.)
The problem is once you leave DA anyone can come to your blog copy and trace your work then post theirs to DA and without the original also there for easy access no one will be able to see the theft. True DA is flawed, but at least if the moderators don't police plagarism the public community can see and ridicule the appropriate parties. You have to take the good with the bad if you are posting your art online. I sure hope this doesn't discourage you from posting all together.
Yeah that is true, but it would be true of any webpage or book as well. BUT if the art isn't on DA they might not have found it. It feels wrong to post art on a site that allows other people to steal it.
Most of the people on DA are cool and will credit you or already have credited you. I was ready to leave after the nipple incident but decided t give DA one last shot, they made the decision for me.
Now I'm trying to figure out how to remove all the art but leave the bio stuff just in case someone wants to contact me. I've already created a new blogger account for all the old dinosaur stuff. I'll still post it here but I'm hoping to make the new blog a bit more scientific and only about dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasties. Jess has expressed no desire to do a new webpage.
I think it's been removed from deviantart.com I tried looking for it to scold them, but I coulnd't find it.
You're a published comic book artist. Of course 15-year-olds are going to steal from you. I'm disappointed it's being handled so childishly. They aren't making money from it, so complain? I've yet to see Stan Lee act this way.
I have said this before, I don't mind copying my work if you credit me. I even asked him to do so BEFORE reporting him. This is NOT comic book art, but my own personal art. I don't own the rights to the comic book stuff, and in fact if you see people selling stuff on DA that have Superman or Wolverine on them, that is ILLEGAL. Marvel knows about and is planning something, but they give you a bye if you do work for them, sort of a perk. So if someone steals my comic stuff, it's not my responsibility to report it as a theft, but I do. In fact I don't report people who draw images from the how to draw books I've had artwork in. As the whole point of those books is for people to learn to draw, in fact I saw a bunch on DA and have not 'complained'.
If I don't 'complain' and then later take someone to court over this there are now presidents showing I did NOT try to protect the copyright before and I could loose the case and the rights. It's a slippery slop.
If this guy lands a job drawing dinosaurs for a new book or museum based solely on this piece of art, then what? I guess he's making money off of it and since he got away with it what's to keep him for continuing to steal my or others artwork?
Stan Lee is a writer, he has to worry about different stuff. And while I respect him, I have a feeling there have been cases of him/Marvel suing over copyrights, you can look up Captain American and Rob Leifield. Now if you want to talk copyright protection, Disney goes after people all the time. What this person did was illegal and DA is enabling him.
I don't really care if you're 'disappointed' you don't have to post here or even read the blog, I got along fine without you. There's the door don't let it hit you on the ass on the way out.
CHILDISH? CHILDISH? We are very, very clear on our policy: We do not care if you copy the work as long as you give an attribution. We always politely ask the poster to put an attribution BEFORE reporting the violation. Always. Brett asked that guy to post a proper credit LAST YEAR, and he didn't do it, so we contacted DA.
Stan Lee is a writer, not an artist, and frankly I could give a crap how he would have handled it. I could give a crap what you think. We tried the classy, nice approach and it didn't work. We tried to allow DA to enforce their policies and they failed miserably. We usually get two or three notices of a violation of copyright every week on DA. Just last week a guy was selling prints of one of Brett's dinosaurs on eBay. We contacted him politely and he took it down. DA has had multiple chances to do their job. Violators have been give multiple chances to do the right thing and give an attribution. We don't even ask them to take the art down, a credit is all. Enough is enough.
Agreed with Jess. Awhile ago, another artist had, not 1 artwork stolen, but 1/5 of her gallery. And this idiot kid kept claiming it was hers and it was obviously not hers (for one thing, if you are going to lie, try to make sure there isn't a date posting). And another artist left.
awwww, dude that totally sucks man. i adore your work like many here do as well. i have also found out on ConceptArt.org that some one did the same with one of your jaguar pictures and didnt credit you. i have taken the liberty to call him out on it and he admit to it.
but ya, you would think that DA would look at the 'time/date' that the two images were posted and side the one that have been posted sooner cause it's kinda hard for the person to copy it if it has never been posted.
best of luck
Zed Von Steuer
Hi Zed,
Thanks for that! I really appreciate it.
DA just doesn't really care. I think some other complained and the image has been removed.
But I have the blog (both of them) so new stuff will continue to be posted:)
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