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I am always happy to answer any questions I can:)
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Very nice, I'm loving all the detail! So it looks like this is going to be taking place towards the end of the series when it gets really crazy! Can't wait to see more. Awesome work. :)
I'm so excited to see where this is going to lead, always thought this series would make an awesome comic series as well, even more than the Anita Blake books. L.A. Banks' level of creative writing is just insane when describing Hell and all its demons. Not to mention the light slinging fights!
Hi La Maitresse,
Thank you, I think this takes place after the 13th. I haven't had a chance to read the series yet, just the first book.
I'm looking forward to drawing all the monsters!
Hehe, you've got alot of catching up to do then! I think it starts getting more exciting during the third book, The Hunted. Lots more monsters and the like are introduced, can't wait to see your version of them. :)
Hi Miranda,
If you hit the comics tag on the side you should get a bunch of sketches ans stuff. I know I posted Lilith and a messenger demon, the main bad guy from the first book and a bunch of other sketches, I still have some more, maybe I'll post them tomorrow when I get a chance:)
Sweet! Yeah I saw the other sketches already, would LOVE to see some more! I've done a few drawings of Damali myself, haven't posted them anywhere as of yet... thinking of setting up my blog for art as well. Can't wait to see some more sketches. :)
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